prisoner dilemma中文什么意思

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《英文msh词典》Prisoner Dilemma
[入口词] Prisoner Dilemma
[主题词] Game Theory
[英文释义] Theoretical construct used in applied mathematics to analyze certain situations in which there is an interplay between parties that may have similar,opposed+更多解释...
  • be in a dilemma:    处在进退两难的境地
  • dilemma:    n. 1.【逻辑学】(使对手在两个或 ...
  • in a dilemma:    处于进退两难的境地; 左右为难
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  1. the analyses on the stability of logistic alliance under the condition of prisoners dilemma
  2. the prisoner dilemma of tax competition and the tariff war all show that tax legislation or policy of a country already become the result of tax game as its affect overstepping country frontier
  3. chapter 4 through the statement of " the worlds of robinsons ", " hobbes predicament ", " prisoner dilemma " and kmrw models, it points out the trust relationship is set up on the repeated games
  4. the author concludes that the natural resources market web cycle, “ prisoner dilemma ” in pollution game, asymmetry between economic scarcity and ecological scarcity, and the time lag effect of externality are the deep reasons of the natural resource market failure
  5. the fourth section is the study of the cooperative game theory of the regional tourism cooperation . the paper breakthroughs the old ways which are used to stressing the deepenness of the reform of the economic system, the reinforcement of the cooperative system, and descends to analyse the finite rationality of the cooperative interest body depending on the celebrated " prisoner dilemma " theory . finally, the paper concludes that it is need to get involved the government force in the cooperative mechanism, beceuse the economic ties regulated by the market mechanism which presupposed the individual rationality is inefficient


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